Our Network
"Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works." Hebrews 10:24
Join Our Network!
Do you have a business or nonprofit that is helping family caregivers?

The Caregiving Support Network is building a fast-growing community of businesses and nonprofits that offer resources, discounts, or other aid to unpaid family caregivers. If you are a church looking to be involved, please click here.

Network members are selected based on their mission and ability to offer aid to caregivers who are in need of rest and care.In order to qualify for participation in the Caregiving Support Network, business owners and nonprofit leaders must have a heart for those in need and have a mission that supports family caregivers in some way. For example, do you own a hotel? You can offer discounts to caregivers looking for a weekend getaway!

Your membership package includes:
  • Your logo displayed on our website along with a link to your page or social media
  • A press kit including a shareable graphic, our logo to display on your products or website stating that you Care for Caregivers through the Network, and a sample press release
  • (If applicable) A signed Memorandum of Understanding between the Network and the potential member detailing the services, discounts, etc. you can provide to the caregivers in our program
  • (Coming soon!) Virtual networking events with leaders in the caregiving community
If you would like to participate in the Network or would like more information, please complete the online network participation request form. Whether you own a hotel, a home care company, or lead your own organization that assists caregivers and their loved ones, we welcome you to join us in Caring for Caregivers!
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Our Network Partners